Source code for opentelemetry.sdk._logs._internal

# Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import abc
import atexit
import concurrent.futures
import json
import logging
import threading
import traceback
from os import environ
from time import time_ns
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Tuple, Union  # noqa

from opentelemetry._logs import Logger as APILogger
from opentelemetry._logs import LoggerProvider as APILoggerProvider
from opentelemetry._logs import LogRecord as APILogRecord
from opentelemetry._logs import (
from opentelemetry.attributes import BoundedAttributes
from opentelemetry.sdk.environment_variables import (
from opentelemetry.sdk.resources import Resource
from opentelemetry.sdk.util import ns_to_iso_str
from opentelemetry.sdk.util.instrumentation import InstrumentationScope
from opentelemetry.semconv.trace import SpanAttributes
from opentelemetry.trace import (
from opentelemetry.trace.span import TraceFlags
from opentelemetry.util.types import Attributes

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs]class LogLimits: """This class is based on a SpanLimits class in the Tracing module. This class represents the limits that should be enforced on recorded data such as events, links, attributes etc. This class does not enforce any limits itself. It only provides a way to read limits from env, default values and from user provided arguments. All limit arguments must be either a non-negative integer, ``None`` or ``LogLimits.UNSET``. - All limit arguments are optional. - If a limit argument is not set, the class will try to read its value from the corresponding environment variable. - If the environment variable is not set, the default value, if any, will be used. Limit precedence: - If a model specific limit is set, it will be used. - Else if the corresponding global limit is set, it will be used. - Else if the model specific limit has a default value, the default value will be used. - Else if the global limit has a default value, the default value will be used. Args: max_attributes: Maximum number of attributes that can be added to a span, event, and link. Environment variable: ``OTEL_ATTRIBUTE_COUNT_LIMIT`` Default: {_DEFAULT_OTEL_ATTRIBUTE_COUNT_LIMIT} max_attribute_length: Maximum length an attribute value can have. Values longer than the specified length will be truncated. """ UNSET = -1 def __init__( self, max_attributes: Optional[int] = None, max_attribute_length: Optional[int] = None, ): # attribute count global_max_attributes = self._from_env_if_absent( max_attributes, OTEL_ATTRIBUTE_COUNT_LIMIT ) self.max_attributes = ( global_max_attributes if global_max_attributes is not None else _DEFAULT_OTEL_ATTRIBUTE_COUNT_LIMIT ) # attribute length self.max_attribute_length = self._from_env_if_absent( max_attribute_length, OTEL_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_LENGTH_LIMIT, ) def __repr__(self): return f"{type(self).__name__}(max_attributes={self.max_attributes}, max_attribute_length={self.max_attribute_length})" @classmethod def _from_env_if_absent( cls, value: Optional[int], env_var: str, default: Optional[int] = None ) -> Optional[int]: if value == cls.UNSET: return None err_msg = "{0} must be a non-negative integer but got {}" # if no value is provided for the limit, try to load it from env if value is None: # return default value if env var is not set if env_var not in environ: return default str_value = environ.get(env_var, "").strip().lower() if str_value == _ENV_VALUE_UNSET: return None try: value = int(str_value) except ValueError: raise ValueError(err_msg.format(env_var, str_value)) if value < 0: raise ValueError(err_msg.format(env_var, value)) return value
_UnsetLogLimits = LogLimits( max_attributes=LogLimits.UNSET, max_attribute_length=LogLimits.UNSET, )
[docs]class LogRecord(APILogRecord): """A LogRecord instance represents an event being logged. LogRecord instances are created and emitted via `Logger` every time something is logged. They contain all the information pertinent to the event being logged. """ def __init__( self, timestamp: Optional[int] = None, observed_timestamp: Optional[int] = None, trace_id: Optional[int] = None, span_id: Optional[int] = None, trace_flags: Optional[TraceFlags] = None, severity_text: Optional[str] = None, severity_number: Optional[SeverityNumber] = None, body: Optional[Any] = None, resource: Optional[Resource] = None, attributes: Optional[Attributes] = None, limits: Optional[LogLimits] = _UnsetLogLimits, ): super().__init__( **{ "timestamp": timestamp, "observed_timestamp": observed_timestamp, "trace_id": trace_id, "span_id": span_id, "trace_flags": trace_flags, "severity_text": severity_text, "severity_number": severity_number, "body": body, "attributes": BoundedAttributes( maxlen=limits.max_attributes, attributes=attributes if bool(attributes) else None, immutable=False, max_value_len=limits.max_attribute_length, ), } ) self.resource = resource def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, LogRecord): return NotImplemented return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
[docs] def to_json(self, indent=4) -> str: return json.dumps( { "body": self.body, "severity_number": repr(self.severity_number), "severity_text": self.severity_text, "attributes": dict(self.attributes) if bool(self.attributes) else None, "dropped_attributes": self.dropped_attributes, "timestamp": ns_to_iso_str(self.timestamp), "observed_timestamp": ns_to_iso_str(self.observed_timestamp), "trace_id": f"0x{format_trace_id(self.trace_id)}" if self.trace_id is not None else "", "span_id": f"0x{format_span_id(self.span_id)}" if self.span_id is not None else "", "trace_flags": self.trace_flags, "resource": repr(self.resource.attributes) if self.resource else "", }, indent=indent, )
@property def dropped_attributes(self) -> int: if self.attributes: return self.attributes.dropped return 0
[docs]class LogData: """Readable LogRecord data plus associated InstrumentationLibrary.""" def __init__( self, log_record: LogRecord, instrumentation_scope: InstrumentationScope, ): self.log_record = log_record self.instrumentation_scope = instrumentation_scope
[docs]class LogRecordProcessor(abc.ABC): """Interface to hook the log record emitting action. Log processors can be registered directly using :func:`LoggerProvider.add_log_record_processor` and they are invoked in the same order as they were registered. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def emit(self, log_data: LogData): """Emits the `LogData`"""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def shutdown(self): """Called when a :class:`opentelemetry.sdk._logs.Logger` is shutdown"""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def force_flush(self, timeout_millis: int = 30000): """Export all the received logs to the configured Exporter that have not yet been exported. Args: timeout_millis: The maximum amount of time to wait for logs to be exported. Returns: False if the timeout is exceeded, True otherwise. """
# Temporary fix until is resolved # pylint:disable=no-member class SynchronousMultiLogRecordProcessor(LogRecordProcessor): """Implementation of class:`LogRecordProcessor` that forwards all received events to a list of log processors sequentially. The underlying log processors are called in sequential order as they were added. """ def __init__(self): # use a tuple to avoid race conditions when adding a new log and # iterating through it on "emit". self._log_record_processors = () # type: Tuple[LogRecordProcessor, ...] self._lock = threading.Lock() def add_log_record_processor( self, log_record_processor: LogRecordProcessor ) -> None: """Adds a Logprocessor to the list of log processors handled by this instance""" with self._lock: self._log_record_processors += (log_record_processor,) def emit(self, log_data: LogData) -> None: for lp in self._log_record_processors: lp.emit(log_data) def shutdown(self) -> None: """Shutdown the log processors one by one""" for lp in self._log_record_processors: lp.shutdown() def force_flush(self, timeout_millis: int = 30000) -> bool: """Force flush the log processors one by one Args: timeout_millis: The maximum amount of time to wait for logs to be exported. If the first n log processors exceeded the timeout then remaining log processors will not be flushed. Returns: True if all the log processors flushes the logs within timeout, False otherwise. """ deadline_ns = time_ns() + timeout_millis * 1000000 for lp in self._log_record_processors: current_ts = time_ns() if current_ts >= deadline_ns: return False if not lp.force_flush((deadline_ns - current_ts) // 1000000): return False return True class ConcurrentMultiLogRecordProcessor(LogRecordProcessor): """Implementation of :class:`LogRecordProcessor` that forwards all received events to a list of log processors in parallel. Calls to the underlying log processors are forwarded in parallel by submitting them to a thread pool executor and waiting until each log processor finished its work. Args: max_workers: The number of threads managed by the thread pool executor and thus defining how many log processors can work in parallel. """ def __init__(self, max_workers: int = 2): # use a tuple to avoid race conditions when adding a new log and # iterating through it on "emit". self._log_record_processors = () # type: Tuple[LogRecordProcessor, ...] self._lock = threading.Lock() self._executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=max_workers ) def add_log_record_processor( self, log_record_processor: LogRecordProcessor ): with self._lock: self._log_record_processors += (log_record_processor,) def _submit_and_wait( self, func: Callable[[LogRecordProcessor], Callable[..., None]], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any, ): futures = [] for lp in self._log_record_processors: future = self._executor.submit(func(lp), *args, **kwargs) futures.append(future) for future in futures: future.result() def emit(self, log_data: LogData): self._submit_and_wait(lambda lp: lp.emit, log_data) def shutdown(self): self._submit_and_wait(lambda lp: lp.shutdown) def force_flush(self, timeout_millis: int = 30000) -> bool: """Force flush the log processors in parallel. Args: timeout_millis: The maximum amount of time to wait for logs to be exported. Returns: True if all the log processors flushes the logs within timeout, False otherwise. """ futures = [] for lp in self._log_record_processors: future = self._executor.submit(lp.force_flush, timeout_millis) futures.append(future) done_futures, not_done_futures = concurrent.futures.wait( futures, timeout_millis / 1e3 ) if not_done_futures: return False for future in done_futures: if not future.result(): return False return True # skip natural LogRecord attributes # _RESERVED_ATTRS = frozenset( ( "asctime", "args", "created", "exc_info", "exc_text", "filename", "funcName", "message", "levelname", "levelno", "lineno", "module", "msecs", "msg", "name", "pathname", "process", "processName", "relativeCreated", "stack_info", "thread", "threadName", "taskName", ) )
[docs]class LoggingHandler(logging.Handler): """A handler class which writes logging records, in OTLP format, to a network destination or file. Supports signals from the `logging` module. """ def __init__( self, level=logging.NOTSET, logger_provider=None, ) -> None: super().__init__(level=level) self._logger_provider = logger_provider or get_logger_provider() self._logger = get_logger( __name__, logger_provider=self._logger_provider ) @staticmethod def _get_attributes(record: logging.LogRecord) -> Attributes: attributes = { k: v for k, v in vars(record).items() if k not in _RESERVED_ATTRS } # Add standard code attributes for logs. attributes[SpanAttributes.CODE_FILEPATH] = record.pathname attributes[SpanAttributes.CODE_FUNCTION] = record.funcName attributes[SpanAttributes.CODE_LINENO] = record.lineno if record.exc_info: exctype, value, tb = record.exc_info if exctype is not None: attributes[SpanAttributes.EXCEPTION_TYPE] = exctype.__name__ if value is not None and value.args: attributes[SpanAttributes.EXCEPTION_MESSAGE] = value.args[0] if tb is not None: # attributes[SpanAttributes.EXCEPTION_STACKTRACE] = "".join( traceback.format_exception(*record.exc_info) ) return attributes def _translate(self, record: logging.LogRecord) -> LogRecord: timestamp = int(record.created * 1e9) observered_timestamp = time_ns() span_context = get_current_span().get_span_context() attributes = self._get_attributes(record) # This comment is taken from GanyedeNil's PR #3343, I have redacted it # slightly for clarity: # According to the definition of the Body field type in the # OTel 1.22.0 Logs Data Model article, the Body field should be of # type 'any' and should not use the str method to directly translate # the msg. This is because str only converts non-text types into a # human-readable form, rather than a standard format, which leads to # the need for additional operations when collected through a log # collector. # Considering that he Body field should be of type 'any' and should not # use the str method but record.msg is also a string type, then the # difference is just the self.args formatting? # The primary consideration depends on the ultimate purpose of the log. # Converting the default log directly into a string is acceptable as it # will be required to be presented in a more readable format. However, # this approach might not be as "standard" when hoping to aggregate # logs and perform subsequent data analysis. In the context of log # extraction, it would be more appropriate for the msg to be # converted into JSON format or remain unchanged, as it will eventually # be transformed into JSON. If the final output JSON data contains a # structure that appears similar to JSON but is not, it may confuse # users. This is particularly true for operation and maintenance # personnel who need to deal with log data in various languages. # Where is the JSON converting occur? and what about when the msg # represents something else but JSON, the expected behavior change? # For the ConsoleLogExporter, it performs the to_json operation in # opentelemetry.sdk._logs._internal.export.ConsoleLogExporter.__init__, # so it can handle any type of input without problems. As for the # OTLPLogExporter, it also handles any type of input encoding in # _encode_log located in # opentelemetry.exporter.otlp.proto.common._internal._log_encoder. # Therefore, no extra operation is needed to support this change. # The only thing to consider is the users who have already been using # this SDK. If they upgrade the SDK after this change, they will need # to readjust their logging collection rules to adapt to the latest # output format. Therefore, this change is considered a breaking # change and needs to be upgraded at an appropriate time. severity_number = std_to_otel(record.levelno) if isinstance(record.msg, str) and record.args: body = record.msg % record.args else: body = record.msg # related to # Severity Text = WARN as defined in level_name = ( "WARN" if record.levelname == "WARNING" else record.levelname ) return LogRecord( timestamp=timestamp, observed_timestamp=observered_timestamp, trace_id=span_context.trace_id, span_id=span_context.span_id, trace_flags=span_context.trace_flags, severity_text=level_name, severity_number=severity_number, body=body, resource=self._logger.resource, attributes=attributes, )
[docs] def emit(self, record: logging.LogRecord) -> None: """ Emit a record. Skip emitting if logger is NoOp. The record is translated to OTel format, and then sent across the pipeline. """ if not isinstance(self._logger, NoOpLogger): self._logger.emit(self._translate(record))
[docs] def flush(self) -> None: """ Flushes the logging output. Skip flushing if logger is NoOp. """ if not isinstance(self._logger, NoOpLogger): self._logger_provider.force_flush()
[docs]class Logger(APILogger): def __init__( self, resource: Resource, multi_log_record_processor: Union[ SynchronousMultiLogRecordProcessor, ConcurrentMultiLogRecordProcessor, ], instrumentation_scope: InstrumentationScope, ): super().__init__(, instrumentation_scope.version, instrumentation_scope.schema_url, ) self._resource = resource self._multi_log_record_processor = multi_log_record_processor self._instrumentation_scope = instrumentation_scope @property def resource(self): return self._resource
[docs] def emit(self, record: LogRecord): """Emits the :class:`LogData` by associating :class:`LogRecord` and instrumentation info. """ log_data = LogData(record, self._instrumentation_scope) self._multi_log_record_processor.emit(log_data)
[docs]class LoggerProvider(APILoggerProvider): def __init__( self, resource: Resource = None, shutdown_on_exit: bool = True, multi_log_record_processor: Union[ SynchronousMultiLogRecordProcessor, ConcurrentMultiLogRecordProcessor, ] = None, ): if resource is None: self._resource = Resource.create({}) else: self._resource = resource self._multi_log_record_processor = ( multi_log_record_processor or SynchronousMultiLogRecordProcessor() ) disabled = environ.get(OTEL_SDK_DISABLED, "") self._disabled = disabled.lower().strip() == "true" self._at_exit_handler = None if shutdown_on_exit: self._at_exit_handler = atexit.register(self.shutdown) @property def resource(self): return self._resource
[docs] def get_logger( self, name: str, version: Optional[str] = None, schema_url: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Logger: if self._disabled: _logger.warning("SDK is disabled.") return NoOpLogger(name, version=version, schema_url=schema_url) return Logger( self._resource, self._multi_log_record_processor, InstrumentationScope( name, version, schema_url, ), )
[docs] def add_log_record_processor( self, log_record_processor: LogRecordProcessor ): """Registers a new :class:`LogRecordProcessor` for this `LoggerProvider` instance. The log processors are invoked in the same order they are registered. """ self._multi_log_record_processor.add_log_record_processor( log_record_processor )
[docs] def shutdown(self): """Shuts down the log processors.""" self._multi_log_record_processor.shutdown() if self._at_exit_handler is not None: atexit.unregister(self._at_exit_handler) self._at_exit_handler = None
[docs] def force_flush(self, timeout_millis: int = 30000) -> bool: """Force flush the log processors. Args: timeout_millis: The maximum amount of time to wait for logs to be exported. Returns: True if all the log processors flushes the logs within timeout, False otherwise. """ return self._multi_log_record_processor.force_flush(timeout_millis)