Source code for opentelemetry.metrics._internal

# Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors

The OpenTelemetry metrics API  describes the classes used to generate

The :class:`.MeterProvider` provides users access to the :class:`.Meter` which in
turn is used to create :class:`.Instrument` objects. The :class:`.Instrument` objects are
used to record measurements.

This module provides abstract (i.e. unimplemented) classes required for
metrics, and a concrete no-op implementation :class:`.NoOpMeter` that allows applications
to use the API package alone without a supporting implementation.

To get a meter, you need to provide the package name from which you are
calling the meter APIs to OpenTelemetry by calling `MeterProvider.get_meter`
with the calling instrumentation name and the version of your package.

The following code shows how to obtain a meter using the global :class:`.MeterProvider`::

    from opentelemetry.metrics import get_meter

    meter = get_meter("example-meter")
    counter = meter.create_counter("example-counter")

.. versionadded:: 1.10.0

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from logging import getLogger
from os import environ
from threading import Lock
from typing import List, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple, Union, cast

from opentelemetry.environment_variables import OTEL_PYTHON_METER_PROVIDER
from opentelemetry.metrics._internal.instrument import (
from opentelemetry.util._once import Once
from opentelemetry.util._providers import _load_provider

_logger = getLogger(__name__)

_ProxyInstrumentT = Union[

class MeterProvider(ABC):
    MeterProvider is the entry point of the API. It provides access to `Meter` instances.

[docs] @abstractmethod def get_meter( self, name: str, version: Optional[str] = None, schema_url: Optional[str] = None, ) -> "Meter": """Returns a `Meter` for use by the given instrumentation library. For any two calls it is undefined whether the same or different `Meter` instances are returned, even for different library names. This function may return different `Meter` types (e.g. a no-op meter vs. a functional meter). Args: name: The name of the instrumenting module. ``__name__`` may not be used as this can result in different meter names if the meters are in different files. It is better to use a fixed string that can be imported where needed and used consistently as the name of the meter. This should *not* be the name of the module that is instrumented but the name of the module doing the instrumentation. E.g., instead of ``"requests"``, use ``"opentelemetry.instrumentation.requests"``. version: Optional. The version string of the instrumenting library. Usually this should be the same as ``importlib.metadata.version(instrumenting_library_name)``. schema_url: Optional. Specifies the Schema URL of the emitted telemetry. """
class NoOpMeterProvider(MeterProvider): """The default MeterProvider used when no MeterProvider implementation is available."""
[docs] def get_meter( self, name: str, version: Optional[str] = None, schema_url: Optional[str] = None, ) -> "Meter": """Returns a NoOpMeter.""" super().get_meter(name, version=version, schema_url=schema_url) return NoOpMeter(name, version=version, schema_url=schema_url)
class _ProxyMeterProvider(MeterProvider): def __init__(self) -> None: self._lock = Lock() self._meters: List[_ProxyMeter] = [] self._real_meter_provider: Optional[MeterProvider] = None def get_meter( self, name: str, version: Optional[str] = None, schema_url: Optional[str] = None, ) -> "Meter": with self._lock: if self._real_meter_provider is not None: return self._real_meter_provider.get_meter( name, version, schema_url ) meter = _ProxyMeter(name, version=version, schema_url=schema_url) self._meters.append(meter) return meter def on_set_meter_provider(self, meter_provider: MeterProvider) -> None: with self._lock: self._real_meter_provider = meter_provider for meter in self._meters: meter.on_set_meter_provider(meter_provider) class Meter(ABC): """Handles instrument creation. This class provides methods for creating instruments which are then used to produce measurements. """ def __init__( self, name: str, version: Optional[str] = None, schema_url: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__() self._name = name self._version = version self._schema_url = schema_url self._instrument_ids: Set[str] = set() self._instrument_ids_lock = Lock() @property def name(self) -> str: """ The name of the instrumenting module. """ return self._name @property def version(self) -> Optional[str]: """ The version string of the instrumenting library. """ return self._version @property def schema_url(self) -> Optional[str]: """ Specifies the Schema URL of the emitted telemetry """ return self._schema_url def _is_instrument_registered( self, name: str, type_: type, unit: str, description: str ) -> Tuple[bool, str]: """ Check if an instrument with the same name, type, unit and description has been registered already. Returns a tuple. The first value is `True` if the instrument has been registered already, `False` otherwise. The second value is the instrument id. """ instrument_id = ",".join( [name.strip().lower(), type_.__name__, unit, description] ) result = False with self._instrument_ids_lock: if instrument_id in self._instrument_ids: result = True else: self._instrument_ids.add(instrument_id) return (result, instrument_id)
[docs] @abstractmethod def create_counter( self, name: str, unit: str = "", description: str = "", ) -> Counter: """Creates a `Counter` instrument Args: name: The name of the instrument to be created unit: The unit for observations this instrument reports. For example, ``By`` for bytes. UCUM units are recommended. description: A description for this instrument and what it measures. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def create_up_down_counter( self, name: str, unit: str = "", description: str = "", ) -> UpDownCounter: """Creates an `UpDownCounter` instrument Args: name: The name of the instrument to be created unit: The unit for observations this instrument reports. For example, ``By`` for bytes. UCUM units are recommended. description: A description for this instrument and what it measures. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def create_observable_counter( self, name: str, callbacks: Optional[Sequence[CallbackT]] = None, unit: str = "", description: str = "", ) -> ObservableCounter: """Creates an `ObservableCounter` instrument An observable counter observes a monotonically increasing count by calling provided callbacks which accept a :class:`~opentelemetry.metrics.CallbackOptions` and return multiple :class:`~opentelemetry.metrics.Observation`. For example, an observable counter could be used to report system CPU time periodically. Here is a basic implementation:: def cpu_time_callback(options: CallbackOptions) -> Iterable[Observation]: observations = [] with open("/proc/stat") as procstat: procstat.readline() # skip the first line for line in procstat: if not line.startswith("cpu"): break cpu, *states = line.split() observations.append(Observation(int(states[0]) // 100, {"cpu": cpu, "state": "user"})) observations.append(Observation(int(states[1]) // 100, {"cpu": cpu, "state": "nice"})) observations.append(Observation(int(states[2]) // 100, {"cpu": cpu, "state": "system"})) # ... other states return observations meter.create_observable_counter( "system.cpu.time", callbacks=[cpu_time_callback], unit="s", description="CPU time" ) To reduce memory usage, you can use generator callbacks instead of building the full list:: def cpu_time_callback(options: CallbackOptions) -> Iterable[Observation]: with open("/proc/stat") as procstat: procstat.readline() # skip the first line for line in procstat: if not line.startswith("cpu"): break cpu, *states = line.split() yield Observation(int(states[0]) // 100, {"cpu": cpu, "state": "user"}) yield Observation(int(states[1]) // 100, {"cpu": cpu, "state": "nice"}) # ... other states Alternatively, you can pass a sequence of generators directly instead of a sequence of callbacks, which each should return iterables of :class:`~opentelemetry.metrics.Observation`:: def cpu_time_callback(states_to_include: set[str]) -> Iterable[Iterable[Observation]]: # accept options sent in from OpenTelemetry options = yield while True: observations = [] with open("/proc/stat") as procstat: procstat.readline() # skip the first line for line in procstat: if not line.startswith("cpu"): break cpu, *states = line.split() if "user" in states_to_include: observations.append(Observation(int(states[0]) // 100, {"cpu": cpu, "state": "user"})) if "nice" in states_to_include: observations.append(Observation(int(states[1]) // 100, {"cpu": cpu, "state": "nice"})) # ... other states # yield the observations and receive the options for next iteration options = yield observations meter.create_observable_counter( "system.cpu.time", callbacks=[cpu_time_callback({"user", "system"})], unit="s", description="CPU time" ) The :class:`~opentelemetry.metrics.CallbackOptions` contain a timeout which the callback should respect. For example if the callback does asynchronous work, like making HTTP requests, it should respect the timeout:: def scrape_http_callback(options: CallbackOptions) -> Iterable[Observation]: r = requests.get('', timeout=options.timeout_millis / 10**3) for value in r.json(): yield Observation(value) Args: name: The name of the instrument to be created callbacks: A sequence of callbacks that return an iterable of :class:`~opentelemetry.metrics.Observation`. Alternatively, can be a sequence of generators that each yields iterables of :class:`~opentelemetry.metrics.Observation`. unit: The unit for observations this instrument reports. For example, ``By`` for bytes. UCUM units are recommended. description: A description for this instrument and what it measures. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def create_histogram( self, name: str, unit: str = "", description: str = "", ) -> Histogram: """Creates a :class:`~opentelemetry.metrics.Histogram` instrument Args: name: The name of the instrument to be created unit: The unit for observations this instrument reports. For example, ``By`` for bytes. UCUM units are recommended. description: A description for this instrument and what it measures. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def create_observable_gauge( self, name: str, callbacks: Optional[Sequence[CallbackT]] = None, unit: str = "", description: str = "", ) -> ObservableGauge: """Creates an `ObservableGauge` instrument Args: name: The name of the instrument to be created callbacks: A sequence of callbacks that return an iterable of :class:`~opentelemetry.metrics.Observation`. Alternatively, can be a generator that yields iterables of :class:`~opentelemetry.metrics.Observation`. unit: The unit for observations this instrument reports. For example, ``By`` for bytes. UCUM units are recommended. description: A description for this instrument and what it measures. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def create_observable_up_down_counter( self, name: str, callbacks: Optional[Sequence[CallbackT]] = None, unit: str = "", description: str = "", ) -> ObservableUpDownCounter: """Creates an `ObservableUpDownCounter` instrument Args: name: The name of the instrument to be created callbacks: A sequence of callbacks that return an iterable of :class:`~opentelemetry.metrics.Observation`. Alternatively, can be a generator that yields iterables of :class:`~opentelemetry.metrics.Observation`. unit: The unit for observations this instrument reports. For example, ``By`` for bytes. UCUM units are recommended. description: A description for this instrument and what it measures. """
class _ProxyMeter(Meter): def __init__( self, name: str, version: Optional[str] = None, schema_url: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(name, version=version, schema_url=schema_url) self._lock = Lock() self._instruments: List[_ProxyInstrumentT] = [] self._real_meter: Optional[Meter] = None def on_set_meter_provider(self, meter_provider: MeterProvider) -> None: """Called when a real meter provider is set on the creating _ProxyMeterProvider Creates a real backing meter for this instance and notifies all created instruments so they can create real backing instruments. """ real_meter = meter_provider.get_meter( self._name, self._version, self._schema_url ) with self._lock: self._real_meter = real_meter # notify all proxy instruments of the new meter so they can create # real instruments to back themselves for instrument in self._instruments: instrument.on_meter_set(real_meter) def create_counter( self, name: str, unit: str = "", description: str = "", ) -> Counter: with self._lock: if self._real_meter: return self._real_meter.create_counter(name, unit, description) proxy = _ProxyCounter(name, unit, description) self._instruments.append(proxy) return proxy def create_up_down_counter( self, name: str, unit: str = "", description: str = "", ) -> UpDownCounter: with self._lock: if self._real_meter: return self._real_meter.create_up_down_counter( name, unit, description ) proxy = _ProxyUpDownCounter(name, unit, description) self._instruments.append(proxy) return proxy def create_observable_counter( self, name: str, callbacks: Optional[Sequence[CallbackT]] = None, unit: str = "", description: str = "", ) -> ObservableCounter: with self._lock: if self._real_meter: return self._real_meter.create_observable_counter( name, callbacks, unit, description ) proxy = _ProxyObservableCounter( name, callbacks, unit=unit, description=description ) self._instruments.append(proxy) return proxy def create_histogram( self, name: str, unit: str = "", description: str = "", ) -> Histogram: with self._lock: if self._real_meter: return self._real_meter.create_histogram( name, unit, description ) proxy = _ProxyHistogram(name, unit, description) self._instruments.append(proxy) return proxy def create_observable_gauge( self, name: str, callbacks: Optional[Sequence[CallbackT]] = None, unit: str = "", description: str = "", ) -> ObservableGauge: with self._lock: if self._real_meter: return self._real_meter.create_observable_gauge( name, callbacks, unit, description ) proxy = _ProxyObservableGauge( name, callbacks, unit=unit, description=description ) self._instruments.append(proxy) return proxy def create_observable_up_down_counter( self, name: str, callbacks: Optional[Sequence[CallbackT]] = None, unit: str = "", description: str = "", ) -> ObservableUpDownCounter: with self._lock: if self._real_meter: return self._real_meter.create_observable_up_down_counter( name, callbacks, unit, description, ) proxy = _ProxyObservableUpDownCounter( name, callbacks, unit=unit, description=description ) self._instruments.append(proxy) return proxy class NoOpMeter(Meter): """The default Meter used when no Meter implementation is available. All operations are no-op. """
[docs] def create_counter( self, name: str, unit: str = "", description: str = "", ) -> Counter: """Returns a no-op Counter.""" super().create_counter(name, unit=unit, description=description) if self._is_instrument_registered( name, NoOpCounter, unit, description )[0]: _logger.warning( "An instrument with name %s, type %s, unit %s and " "description %s has been created already.", name, Counter.__name__, unit, description, ) return NoOpCounter(name, unit=unit, description=description)
[docs] def create_up_down_counter( self, name: str, unit: str = "", description: str = "", ) -> UpDownCounter: """Returns a no-op UpDownCounter.""" super().create_up_down_counter( name, unit=unit, description=description ) if self._is_instrument_registered( name, NoOpUpDownCounter, unit, description )[0]: _logger.warning( "An instrument with name %s, type %s, unit %s and " "description %s has been created already.", name, UpDownCounter.__name__, unit, description, ) return NoOpUpDownCounter(name, unit=unit, description=description)
[docs] def create_observable_counter( self, name: str, callbacks: Optional[Sequence[CallbackT]] = None, unit: str = "", description: str = "", ) -> ObservableCounter: """Returns a no-op ObservableCounter.""" super().create_observable_counter( name, callbacks, unit=unit, description=description ) if self._is_instrument_registered( name, NoOpObservableCounter, unit, description )[0]: _logger.warning( "An instrument with name %s, type %s, unit %s and " "description %s has been created already.", name, ObservableCounter.__name__, unit, description, ) return NoOpObservableCounter( name, callbacks, unit=unit, description=description, )
[docs] def create_histogram( self, name: str, unit: str = "", description: str = "", ) -> Histogram: """Returns a no-op Histogram.""" super().create_histogram(name, unit=unit, description=description) if self._is_instrument_registered( name, NoOpHistogram, unit, description )[0]: _logger.warning( "An instrument with name %s, type %s, unit %s and " "description %s has been created already.", name, Histogram.__name__, unit, description, ) return NoOpHistogram(name, unit=unit, description=description)
[docs] def create_observable_gauge( self, name: str, callbacks: Optional[Sequence[CallbackT]] = None, unit: str = "", description: str = "", ) -> ObservableGauge: """Returns a no-op ObservableGauge.""" super().create_observable_gauge( name, callbacks, unit=unit, description=description ) if self._is_instrument_registered( name, NoOpObservableGauge, unit, description )[0]: _logger.warning( "An instrument with name %s, type %s, unit %s and " "description %s has been created already.", name, ObservableGauge.__name__, unit, description, ) return NoOpObservableGauge( name, callbacks, unit=unit, description=description, )
[docs] def create_observable_up_down_counter( self, name: str, callbacks: Optional[Sequence[CallbackT]] = None, unit: str = "", description: str = "", ) -> ObservableUpDownCounter: """Returns a no-op ObservableUpDownCounter.""" super().create_observable_up_down_counter( name, callbacks, unit=unit, description=description ) if self._is_instrument_registered( name, NoOpObservableUpDownCounter, unit, description )[0]: _logger.warning( "An instrument with name %s, type %s, unit %s and " "description %s has been created already.", name, ObservableUpDownCounter.__name__, unit, description, ) return NoOpObservableUpDownCounter( name, callbacks, unit=unit, description=description, )
_METER_PROVIDER_SET_ONCE = Once() _METER_PROVIDER: Optional[MeterProvider] = None _PROXY_METER_PROVIDER = _ProxyMeterProvider() def get_meter( name: str, version: str = "", meter_provider: Optional[MeterProvider] = None, ) -> "Meter": """Returns a `Meter` for use by the given instrumentation library. This function is a convenience wrapper for `opentelemetry.metrics.MeterProvider.get_meter`. If meter_provider is omitted the current configured one is used. """ if meter_provider is None: meter_provider = get_meter_provider() return meter_provider.get_meter(name, version) def _set_meter_provider(meter_provider: MeterProvider, log: bool) -> None: def set_mp() -> None: global _METER_PROVIDER # pylint: disable=global-statement _METER_PROVIDER = meter_provider # gives all proxies real instruments off the newly set meter provider _PROXY_METER_PROVIDER.on_set_meter_provider(meter_provider) did_set = _METER_PROVIDER_SET_ONCE.do_once(set_mp) if log and not did_set: _logger.warning("Overriding of current MeterProvider is not allowed") def set_meter_provider(meter_provider: MeterProvider) -> None: """Sets the current global :class:`~.MeterProvider` object. This can only be done once, a warning will be logged if any further attempt is made. """ _set_meter_provider(meter_provider, log=True) def get_meter_provider() -> MeterProvider: """Gets the current global :class:`~.MeterProvider` object.""" if _METER_PROVIDER is None: if OTEL_PYTHON_METER_PROVIDER not in environ.keys(): return _PROXY_METER_PROVIDER meter_provider: MeterProvider = _load_provider( # type: ignore OTEL_PYTHON_METER_PROVIDER, "meter_provider" ) _set_meter_provider(meter_provider, log=False) # _METER_PROVIDER will have been set by one thread return cast("MeterProvider", _METER_PROVIDER)