
class opentelemetry.sdk.metrics.view.Aggregation[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Base class for all aggregation types.

class opentelemetry.sdk.metrics.view.DefaultAggregation[source]

Bases: opentelemetry.sdk.metrics._internal.aggregation.Aggregation

The default aggregation to be used in a View.

This aggregation will create an actual aggregation depending on the instrument type, as specified next:















class opentelemetry.sdk.metrics.view.DropAggregation[source]

Bases: opentelemetry.sdk.metrics._internal.aggregation.Aggregation

Using this aggregation will make all measurements be ignored.

class opentelemetry.sdk.metrics.view.ExplicitBucketHistogramAggregation(boundaries=(0.0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 75.0, 100.0, 250.0, 500.0, 750.0, 1000.0, 2500.0, 5000.0, 7500.0, 10000.0), record_min_max=True)[source]

Bases: opentelemetry.sdk.metrics._internal.aggregation.Aggregation

This aggregation informs the SDK to collect:

  • Count of Measurement values falling within explicit bucket boundaries.

  • Arithmetic sum of Measurement values in population. This SHOULD NOT be collected when used with instruments that record negative measurements, e.g. UpDownCounter or ObservableGauge.

  • Min (optional) Measurement value in population.

  • Max (optional) Measurement value in population.

  • boundaries (Sequence[float]) – Array of increasing values representing explicit bucket boundary values.

  • record_min_max (bool) – Whether to record min and max.

class opentelemetry.sdk.metrics.view.LastValueAggregation[source]

Bases: opentelemetry.sdk.metrics._internal.aggregation.Aggregation

This aggregation informs the SDK to collect:

  • The last Measurement.

  • The timestamp of the last Measurement.

class opentelemetry.sdk.metrics.view.SumAggregation[source]

Bases: opentelemetry.sdk.metrics._internal.aggregation.Aggregation

This aggregation informs the SDK to collect:

  • The arithmetic sum of Measurement values.

class opentelemetry.sdk.metrics.view.View(instrument_type=None, instrument_name=None, meter_name=None, meter_version=None, meter_schema_url=None, name=None, description=None, attribute_keys=None, aggregation=None)[source]

Bases: object

A View configuration parameters can be used for the following purposes:

  1. Match instruments: When an instrument matches a view, measurements received by that instrument will be processed.

  2. Customize metric streams: A metric stream is identified by a match between a view and an instrument and a set of attributes. The metric stream can be customized by certain attributes of the corresponding view.

The attributes documented next serve one of the previous two purposes.

  • instrument_type (Optional[Type[Instrument]]) – This is an instrument matching attribute: the class the instrument must be to match the view.

  • instrument_name (Optional[str]) – This is an instrument matching attribute: the name the instrument must have to match the view. Wild card characters are supported. Wild card characters should not be used with this attribute if the view has also a name defined.

  • meter_name (Optional[str]) – This is an instrument matching attribute: the name the instrument meter must have to match the view.

  • meter_version (Optional[str]) – This is an instrument matching attribute: the version the instrument meter must have to match the view.

  • meter_schema_url (Optional[str]) – This is an instrument matching attribute: the schema URL the instrument meter must have to match the view.

  • name (Optional[str]) – This is a metric stream customizing attribute: the name of the metric stream. If None, the name of the instrument will be used.

  • description (Optional[str]) – This is a metric stream customizing attribute: the description of the metric stream. If None, the description of the instrument will be used.

  • attribute_keys (Optional[Set[str]]) – This is a metric stream customizing attribute: this is a set of attribute keys. If not None then only the measurement attributes that are in attribute_keys will be used to identify the metric stream.

  • aggregation (Optional[Aggregation]) – This is a metric stream customizing attribute: the aggregation instance to use when data is aggregated for the corresponding metrics stream. If None an instance of DefaultAggregation will be used.

This class is not intended to be subclassed by the user.